Having trouble getting Muscle Fight to work? See below for solutions. Problem not listed or solutions not working? Email mail@musclebusting.com
then you need use Locale Emulator or change your Windows region settings.
To use Locale Emulator:If you do not wish to use Locale Emulator, you may also go into Windows Control Panel > Clock and Region > Region and set your system locale to Japanese.
If the following problems occur:
If neither Muscle Gear nor Muscle Fight load at all or produce an error message, then chances are the filepath to the .exe files is too long.
TO FIX THIS, move the Muscle Fight installation closer to your root directory. C:/Games/MuscleFight is fine, but C:/Games/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/MuscleFight will fail to load.
If you extract the game files and the filenames are gibberish ASCII characters instead of Japanese script, change your system locale to Japanese (see above) and try again.
If a .player file is missing, the game will not load that character or any subsequent character on the character select screen. The character file downloads on the characters page are provided in the order characters are registered in the game so you can easily replace a missing or corrupt .player file.
We recommend Joy2Key to use your favourite PC game controller with Muscle Fight.